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    <p>This data set consists of a shapefile/kml of mangrove extent and dominant species for Kakadu National Park mangroves generated from true colour aerial photographs acquired in 1991.</p> <p>From true color 1991 orthomosaics of Field Island and the Wildman, West, and South Alligator Rivers, mangroves were mapped by first applying a fine scale spectral difference segmentation within eCognition to all three visible bands (blue, green, and red). A maximum likelihood (ML) algorithm within the environment for visualizing images (ENVI) software was then used to classify all segments using training areas associated with mangroves, but also water, mudflats, sandflats, and coastal woodlands. These were identified through visual interpretation of the imagery. Segmentation was necessary as 1) the diversity of structures and shadows within and between tree crowns limited the application of pixel-based classification procedures and 2) the color balance between the different photographs comprising the orthomosaics varied. All segments were examined individually and methodically to determine whether they should be reallocated to a non-mangrove class (e.g., mudflats) or confirmed as mangroves. Open woodlands dominated by Eucalyptus species could also be visually identified within the aerial photography (AP) orthoimages, although their discrimination was assisted by only considering areas where the underlying LiDAR DTM (Digital Terrain Model) exceeded 10 m, assuming this excludes tidally inundated sections.</p>